Welcome to the data pages of the Libras Corpus! The material here is organized by state. The states that have available data are indicated by an icon. Click on the status icon to access the link and view the data available in the region. Only a few states have data, because we are only at the start of constructing our Libras Corpus. We begin with Santa Catarina, but the goal is to have all five regions of the country represented and subsequently all the state capitals. In the future, each state may have more cities represented. Upon entering the state, you can find data in different projects represented. These projects will also steadily increase. In every project, there are various types of data, in video, and in pictures, texts and transcripts.
Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Paraná São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Mato Grosso do Sul Minas Gerais Distrito Federal Goiás Mato Grosso Rondônia Acre Roraima Amapá Amazonas Tocantins Bahia Maranhão Piauí Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Sergipe Pernambuco Alagoas